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Palmetto Yoga & Wellness Oasis Presents

Anamaya Resort
Montezuma, Costa Rica
January 21-28, 2023

If you want that perfect week, you have to reach out and grab it!
Start next year with purpose, intention, and harmony!
Jump in and Say YES to learning about this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

Close Your Eyes ... 
Wait...not yet! Let me explain first. I want you to take a minute and imagine what a typical week looks like for you. Is it busy? Is it boring? Are you counting down the minutes till the weekend? Are you drowning in laundry, housework, or homework? Maybe sick of making lunches and dinners? Maxed out on binging Netflix? Or maybe you don’t have any downtime to yourself? Just take a moment to imagine that.(Ok, now you can close your eyes.)
Welcome back...I can imagine why you were in a hurry to open your eyes again. Let’s try this instead... Now imagine a week of paradise. Seven full days and nights of leisure and luxury - no worries, stress, or demands. Just breathtaking scenery, serene and peaceful environment, relaxing yoga and meditation, life-changing classes & workshops, fun-filled activities, great company, and some long-overdue YOU TIME to destress, decompress, and center yourself! Amazing, right? What would a week like that mean to you? What would it mean for your work-life balance? What would it mean for your physical, emotional, and spiritual health? For your bucket list? What about for all the weeks that still lie ahead? A week like that doesn’t come around often, but...NOW IS YOUR CHANCE!
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